Summer House Hunting Had Me a Mess | Issue No 27 | July + August 2021

Hi! How are you? It’s been a while since I’ve slipped into your inbox. So let’s catch up, shall we?!

When I last wrote to you I was just beginning my apartment search in L.A., and as you can see in this episode of Vitamin b, the search started out strong. My spirits were high and I felt confident that within a few weeks I would be happily settled in my new place. 

But after several apartments fell through, I ended up moving my stuff into storage, staying at a friend’s place for a month while she and her husband were out of town, and spending hours upon hours combing through listings online and in-person. 

By July, I was utterly exhausted and incredibly confused about what I wanted, unable to make a decision about pretty much anything at all. 

One evening in mid-July, I walked into a TJ Maxx in Burbank to buy white crew cut socks. I searched two more stores before walking out without a purchase, unsatisfied with the selection and frustrated by how much such a small choice mattered to me. 

By the time I pulled out of the parking lot I was crying, the deeper reasons behind my indecision spilling out with the tears, revealing to me a lack of self-trust I had been holding onto since my middle school years, and one specific memory I had no idea had taken root so strongly in my belief system and sense of self. 

Since then, I’ve been consciously pulling these beliefs to the surface and holding space for some of the darker emotions (like anger) I generally prefer not to feel, so that I can really let them go, forgive myself and my parents, heal, and create something new. 

I also worked on two other music video projects as a dancer and choreographer this August, put up my first scene in my acting class, and enjoyed a very LA weekend with two of my college friends. And after six weeks of searching…I finally signed a lease on a new place in Venice!

I’m not quite settled in yet, but I’m getting there, and already feeling so much more grounded than I did a few short weeks ago. 

I’ll be sharing more about my apartment (and the journey to get there) on YouTube soon. In the meantime, I’d love to hear about the rest of your summer. Hit reply and let me know! 

with love, 

A Few Other Things…

⚡️ I have a new Brand Identity & Strategy package! It’s for serious entrepreneurs ready to build an authentic brand and promote their services authentically.

🍳 I still think this mini frying pan is the best thing I’ve bought all year

🗣 You don’t want to miss this free masterclass on how to speak your truth with my friend Elissa and previous client, Elissa!

🕯 7 ways we’re all burning candles the wrong way

🎬 Did you catch the reference to this movie in the subject line of this email?!

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