Issue No 26 | June 2021 | Where Do I Go From Here?

Hello! How have you been?! Did you do anything fun over the long weekend?

Outside of celebrating a good friend’s birthday out on the water and Salsa dancing on the Santa Monica promenade, most of my weekend was spent packing and getting ready for my move later this week. 

Yes, I am moving again! This time into my own place. After spending 3 months alone in my Brooklyn apartment during the pandemic, the last thing I wanted was to be by myself in a new city where I didn’t know anyone. So when I moved to LA back in November, I spent a month living in a co-living house (with about 30 other people!) and then moved into a 3-bedroom townhouse with two other roommates. But now, LA feels like home and I’m ready to create my own little private oasis in the city. Even if it does require boxing up all my stuff and starting fresh for what feels like the umpteenth time in the last two years.

In addition to making the decision to move, my June was filled with two separate trips to visit family and friends, and while it was wonderful spending time with loved ones, after 18 months of not traveling, I have to say there were a few things about it I didn’t miss…

In earlier chapters of my life, traveling felt so exciting, and in some ways, a symbol of true adulthood and then professional success. The first year I lived in New York, I didn’t spend more than two consecutive weeks in the city! Now the idea of getting on a plane that many times makes me scrunch up my face. 

The last year and a half taught me that my life can move at a slower pace. That I don’t have to fill it with activities and people just because. And that there are many things I like about that. 

That reminder feels incredibly timely as I prepare to host my free summer workshop again, Where Do I Go From Here?  It’s designed to help you find clarity and confidence around your next personal or professional step. As the world continues to open up, I think we can all use some extra clarity around how to re-emerge as the people we’ve become, instead of slipping back into former versions of ourselves that no longer fit. (I know it’s easy to do.)

I hope to see you at the event on Thursday, July 29th. In the meantime, I’d love to hear how you are doing. Have you read any good books? Binged any good shows? Made any new decisions?

Hit reply and let me know. 🥰And be sure to check out the new community #asks and #offers below! 

with love, 

A few other things…

💖 A great podcast about practicing unconditional love

📖 I talked all about the immense personal growth that’s been coming out of doing this book on my latest YouTube video

👩🏼‍💻 Take my personal branding masterclass and learn how to start promoting yourself and your work in a way that feels good. 

😋 This beautiful mirror Gua Sha tool is currently on sale!

⚡️ A short tapping video for all my entrepreneurs, freelancers, and consultants about valuing what you have to offer

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