A Year in Review: 2020

Brielle Friedman Year in Review 2020

I’ve never been one to sit down and write New Year resolutions (mainly because I think committing to the way you want to move through the world, letting go of fear, and building new habits is a daily practice) but I do heavily believe in taking time to reflect and intentionally let go of things and call in others. And this is a great time to do just that. 

For the last couple of years, I’ve written a review of what that year has been like and what I’m looking forward to in the year ahead. 

It started as a way for me to get excited about life again back when I was burnt out and feeling apathetic about everything and it’s evolved into a beautiful practice for celebrating the last twelve months and looking forward to what’s to come. 

If you haven’t done it before, I recommend making a list of highlights and lowlights and then thinking about what you want to bring with you and leave behind as we move into 2021. 

So here we go….!

2020 Highlights

  • Dancing in the professional On2 finals of the World Salsa Summit Saturday night. This was SUCH an incredible moment for me, a very specific dream I’d had since 2013 when I discovered the competitive Salsa world for the first time. Even almost a year later, it still feels magical when I think about it. Partly because the moment itself was so special (this thing I’d been thinking about and dreaming about for so long finally came true!) and partly because I was fully in the experience the entire time. I enjoyed every moment of being on that stage. I felt so much joy and I even came offstage crying because I was so happy. It was my best performance to date and a moment I think of whenever I want to lift my emotional energy. 
  • Auditioning (and making it to the final round!) of a new, competitive Latin dance TV show. Unfortunately, production/filming was paused due to COVID but that doesn’t take away from how incredible this experience was. On the day of the audition, we went through three different “rounds” all of which required performing and doing a short interview segment (in Spanish!). Similar to dancing in the finals of the World Salsa Summit, I was fully present and free from anxiety during the entire audition experience. Not only did I have a blast, but it also reinforced just how much joy and “enjoying the process” is connected to success.
  • Moving into my own 1-bedroom apartment in New York City. If you follow me on IG, then you know I ended up breaking my lease moving out a few months later (and learning that I actually prefer to live with other people)…but signing the lease and having my own space for the first time in my adult life was still a really big moment for me. I’d been dreaming about having my own place for most of my twenties, and it felt really special to turn 30 in a sunlight place of my own.
  • Performing in Toronto! In early March, right before everything with COVID happened, I spent two weeks in Toronto working on a dance project. We practiced every day and somehow pulled together an entire routine in such a short period of time! It showcased how far I’ve come as a dancer and professional artist, and it was such a wonderful experience to be welcomed
  • Turning 30! My birthday was just two weeks after the shelter in place order in New York City, but it ended up being one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had.
  • Starting a TikTok account. This challenged and encouraged my creativity in a whole new way! It was such a fun way to perform and explore connection too. 
  • Letting go of perfectionism. Weirdly this was very connected to starting the TikTok account and being part of a content creator program where I needed to create 40 videos over the course of two months. In some ways, it forced me to let go of perfectionism, and in doing so, I enjoyed the creative process so much and really found myself and my voice in a new way.
  • Spending five months living at my dad’s and in the same city as my younger sister. This wouldn’t have happened without the pandemic and all its aftermath, and it’s one of the things I’m most grateful for this year.
  • Finding clarity in my business and brand. 
  • Launching an online program all about how to rediscover your passions, own your strengths, and bring them into your personal and professional life.
  • Saying goodbye to NYC and moving to LA!!
  • Healing – In addition to continuing with my Intuitive Coach, I started working with an EFT practitioner and really dug into deeply ingrained neuro-linguistic programming (NLPs). So many friends have told me I’ve been glowing (through the screen!) since I moved to LA and I credit a lot of this deep healing work to that glow. It’s painful, scary, and challenging at times, but so, so worth it. 
  • Taking voice lessons. In full transparency, I haven’t been all that diligent with practicing outside of my lessons, but I did start taking lessons! And even with the limited amount I’ve practiced, I’ve already seen some improvement. This was something I talked about last year when I wrote my annual review blog post, so it was exciting for it to come up again this year. 
  • Working with really incredible clients. Seriously, my clients blow me away with their creativity, passion, ability to reflect and get honest, and their desire to grow. I am so blessed to work with amazing women (and a few men too!) around the world committed to doing the work and 
  • Connecting with all of you through my blog, email newsletter, and social accounts. I cherish getting to know you more with each and every response and conversation we have. And I think if 2020 has shown us anything, it’s that virtual relationships are just as strong and impactful as the ones we build in person. Thank you all for being here and for your continued support and love! 

Love & Romantic Relationships

I learned so much about romantic relationships and love this year. I finally stopped confusing feelings of excitement with falling in love and I learned the importance of moving slowly and getting to know someone (which is not always something that comes easily to me). 

I also realized that at the beginning of a relationship I’m really good at asking for what I want and need….but around date four or five I tend to lose myself a bit and start focusing on the other person and their feelings more than mine. I stop paying attention to how I feel around this person…which in the past has led to me feeling really confused about everything a few months into things to the point where I’ve often felt “How did I ever like this person?!” This feels like a big lesson for me because it’s something that’s shown up for me again and again. 

Being able to own my perfectionist tendencies, as well as lovingly laugh at myself when I am being ridiculous, has also had such a positive impact on my romantic relationships and ability to be in partnership. I used to try and hide parts of myself in a relationship because I worried about “acting crazy” or “asking for too much.” Now I’m much better at recognizing my emotion, understanding it, expressing it in a calm, loving, and grounded way, and then giving the other person the opportunity to show up (or not show up) for me. I know that if they don’t show up for me it’s not a reflection of my worth and I also know it’s okay to want and ask for more. 

I feel ready to be in partnership with another person, in a way I did not feel in my twenties. I know now that being with another person doesn’t mean losing myself, it doesn’t mean being perfect, and it doesn’t mean everything will be perfect, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be wonderful all of the time. And I think the distinction between perfection and wonderful is an important one for me to make. 

I’m excited about what 2021 has in store for me when it comes to love and romance. 

Work + Business

Talk about a transformation! Six months ago I distinctly remember struggling to explain what I did to a new friend during a Zoom call. I knew deep down I wanted to help women bring their ideas to life, own their strengths, and tell their stories with confidence, but I still had so many questions about how to package my services, what to offer, when to offer it, etc. 

Back in the spring, I was also feeling all sorts of pressure about building every part of my business immediately and all at once. And then somehow, magically, over the summer, I let go of this. I used a strategy I often share with my private clients that involves making a huge list and using a rating system and feeling into your body to see what’s coming up for you most strongly and why. It helped me gain clarity and that translated to a deeper sense of calm and being able to enjoy the process of creating my vision. 

I’ve also simplified my offerings and am now only offering 4 services + products:

  • Individual Coaching // My signature coaching method combines deep reflection, storytelling, somatics/embodiment, and brand strategy.  3-month packages for those ready to dig deep and step into a higher version of themselves in their lives, careers, and businesses. 
  • Lead With Your Heart Online Intensive // This 3-day course is the perfect first step to rediscovering your passions and taking concrete steps to incorporate them into your personal and professional life. 
  • 1:1 Brand + Marketing Strategy Sessions // Customized, personalized strategy sessions for your personal brand or business. 
  • Own Your Story // A small-group coaching program that’s part personal branding and part empowerment and storytelling  — coming Spring 2020!


2020 was a year in which so many of my dance dreams came true. From dancing in the finals at the World Salsa Summit to finally producing, directing, and dancing in creative music videos, I feel like I gave myself permission to be a dancer in so many new ways this year. 

At the same time, my relationship with dance is (has?) definitely shifted in the past six months. And while COIVD and the way the world has changed was undoubtedly a catalyst for that shift, I think the role dance plays in my life was starting to change even before all of that happened. 

I moved to LA to pursue a career in TV and film, and I definitely want dance to be a part of that. I am looking for a commercial talent agent and looking forward to auditioning and booking commercial work as a dancer and continuing to explore and grow as a performer and creative. 

But I haven’t been training in Salsa and Latin Dance the way I was at the beginning of this year, and I haven’t entered any online competitions. I’ve thought about it….and there have been moments when I’ve intensely missed my competitive dance life. But when I think about taking the next step to finish a routine to compete with, my heart just isn’t in it. 

For years I was wholehearted, one thousand percent in it. I know what that feels like, and I know I’m not there right now. 

I still love to dance. I love everything dance has taught me and the power movement has to help us all tap into our full selves, connect with our intuition, and grow—and that’s something I still want to continue to bring into the work I do with my clients. I still dance a lot and I can’t wait to get back into a studio and take a class. My dance goals and dreams have just changed and expanded in new ways, and I’m excited about how they take shape during the next year. 

Looking ahead to 2021

I am SO EXCITED about my first year in LA! As I write this, I’m sitting on the couch with the sunlight streaming through our patio door, a cool breeze flowing through the living room and I feel so, so grateful to be here. My life here feels full of so many possibilities, and I can’t wait for what’s in store. 

From exploring the entertainment, Hollywood world, to enjoying the beach, the weather, and the mountains, to making new friends and dating, I’ve got so much to look forward to––and as always, I’m excited to take you along for the ride. 

What were your favorite moments and biggest lessons from 2020? What are you looking forward to doing, seeing, or creating in 2021? I’d love to know in the comments below!

Sending you so much love,  Brielle


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