A September Life Update!

How was your September? Mine was filled with change and new beginnings.

My dear friends and roommates for the past two years moved out. Two new women moved in. I spent a deliriously happy weekend with my friends from college at their new home in Pittsburgh and another wonderful weekend with my family in Boston. My sister visited New York for a few days (sorry Danielle for dragging you through midtown with a lot of luggage in 85° weather!). I started a new professional dance partnership. I left my job and the company I had worked with for the past six years (I started the day after I graduated from college!).

The other day I joked to my friend that if my life were a book it would be called, “Everything Was Horrible. Then Everything was Good Again.” because that’s the way this past month has felt.

I woke up most Mondays so anxious it was difficult to focus. I felt overwhelmed by all of the things on my to-do list and worried that the choices I was making — like leaving my full-time job to pursue things like this blog, writing a novel, and dance — would turn out to be mistakes. What if I couldn’t make it all work? What if I failed?

By Wednesday that anxiety had morphed into sadness. I cried about leaving my job. A lot. It was hard to let go of that part of my identity and the co-workers (many of whom have become close friends) I have spent so much of my life with these last few years.

By Friday, all of that anxiety and sadness melted away. In its place, I felt strength and happiness and a lot of gratitude. I know that I’m making the right choices and I know that I’m going to figure it all out. I have enough money saved to live on for a few months while I figure out how to bring writing into my professional life. In a few days I’m competing in the professional division at a dance event, a goal I’ve been working towards since I first started dancing salsa five years ago. I have an incredible community of friends and family around me who support and love me and remind me that everything is going to be okay.

Saturday I felt calm and excited. And then slowly that cycle repeated itself all over again.

I’d love to hear what you’re looking forward to this next month! Here are a few other things on my mind…



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