Issue No 22 | February 2021 | Throwing out the word “should”

Hello! How have you been?!

At the end of January (which as you know was a challenging month for me), I asked myself a question I often use with my private coaching clients: “What would you do if you had all the money in the world?”

The answer really surprised me—after months of feeling like all I wanted to do was work on my brand strategy and coaching business, I realized I was craving a different kind of creativity.

So instead of forcing myself to spend hours and hours working on my business this month because I felt that’s what I “should” be doing…

I planned a photoshoot and took a few days off to visit one of my best friends from high school (she’s a wedding photographer and the person behind the lovely photo of me in this newsletter). 

I carved out time to work on a creative project I’ve had in the back of my mind since the summer. (More details coming it in the next issue of Vitamin b!)

And I let myself enjoy more leisurely weekday mornings, reading, journaling, and soaking in the hot tub of my new apartment complex before I started working for the day. 

Along the way, something very exciting happened (!) and while I’m not quite ready to share it with all of you just yet, it was exactly what I needed to feel reinspired, refreshed, and confident about my decision to move here and the choice to keep following my heart even when others around me don’t always understand it. 

I’m a big fan of using affirmations, and I use an app called ThinkUp to record the beliefs I’m currently working on re-writing. Hearing affirmations in your own voice can be super powerful because when your brain hears the statement, it thinks it is your actual thought, not a thought you’re working on believing. 

One of the affirmations I added months ago is, “Every day I am getting more clarity about the connection between joy and success.” How clearly I felt that this month!

My life works better when I’m having fun. I become a better version of myself too. And while things are never perfect, when I’m having fun, everything becomes beautiful and wonderful all of the time. 

I’d love to know what your last month was like, and if you have any questions or topics you’d like me to address in an upcoming issue of this newsletter, reply to this email and let me know! 

I’m also running a six-week personal brand development and small-group coaching program called Own Your Story this spring. It will teach you the strategic storytelling and messaging skills, and help you gain the clarity, confidence, and community, to go out into the world, share your story in a way that feels good, and start having the impact you know deep down you were born to make.

If you’re curious, I invite you to take a closer look at the program and apply here

with love, 

Ask Me Anything 

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

Google it! 

My good friend and former boss shared this golden piece of advice with me years ago, a few months into my first corporate role. At the time, another co-worker and I were asking him a lot of technical questions (about how to edit HTML code in WordPress, resize images, and get things to work on the internet), and while he said he was happy to explain them to us, he kindly pointed out that we could find this information on our own…

Since then, before I ask a question, I always try to Google it first––and it’s pretty amazing the information you can find on the internet! Most of the time I type in full sentences like, “How to become an actor?” or “How to change your channel title on Youtube?”  

Even things you may think aren’t Google-able, are (including “how to become an actor.” I Googled that when I first moved here and found a lot of helpful advice). And even when I don’t find the exact answer I’m looking for, I always come across an interesting resource or article that helps me see things in a different light.

So Google everything! Especially if you want to work for yourself or chart your own path. 

A Few Other Things…

😋 My new favorite TJs treat 

🎧  A great podcast about staying motivated and releasing the outcome

✨ A powerful reminder about being a beginner

 💥 Five words that changed everything for this writer

🤔 How to ask good questions

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