Issue No 16 | August 2020

Hello! How did the month of August go for you? 

Mine felt like it went by so quickly! I’m headed back to New York next week and feeling a little sad about the summer ending. Transitions are always challenging for me, even when I choose them, even when I know inside my soul it’s time to let go of one thing to make room for something else.

The last three months out here have been so important for me. I’ve slept a lot and felt really rested. I’ve gone to the beach, hiked through beautiful forests, and spent more time with my sister than I have my entire adult life. It’s been nice to have a car, a washer, dryer, and a dishwasher again (all things I don’t have in New York) and slow down a bit. Getting out of the city has reminded me of just how big the world is and of just how many possibilities it holds. Which has in turn helped me find myself––and my voice––in a new way. 

What I’m creating with my business feels so much clearer than it did three months ago, and I think for the first time, I’m really enjoying the process of building it, instead of feeling pressured to make every part of it come to life as fast as possible. 

I’ve been letting myself play and get creative, without trying to make every single thing I make perfect, which does not always come easily to me. I love plans and structure. I want to know why I’m doing something before I begin, and I want as much assurance as possible that it will all work out exactly the way I want it to before I move forward.

Sometimes this serves me well, and sometimes it holds me back, and I’ve been working on finding the balance between the two this year. It’s finally starting to feel like I can both acknowledge this aspect of who I am and recognize when it’s not serving me––and that progress feels really good. 

I started a TikTok account at the beginning of the month and have been having a ball on there learning how to use the platform and trying out different creative formats. I’ve also learned SO MUCH about everything from science to cooking to social justice to fashion on there. The platform is filled with educational, entertaining, and digestable content, and it feels more positive than a lot of other social platforms. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I highly recommend you do! 

What else is new in your world? I’d love to know what the last month has looked like for you and what you’re looking forward to this September. Hit reply and let me know.

with love, 

A few other things…

💭 A fun quiz to find your dosha

🗳️ Make sure you’re registered to vote

  😂 Remember these ads?! They made me laugh out loud. 

💖 I’ve listened to this podcast about shame and accountability twice. 

 🙏  Ways to help California’s fire victims

🎬 A dance movie even my father enjoyed. 

🍳 9 cooking steps you can skip 

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