Issue No 24 | April 2021 | Claiming It Out Loud

Hello! How have you been? Have you been watching Vitamin b over on YouTube

Personally, I think episodes 3 + 4 are when it gets really good. A lot of self-doubt and fear come up for me in those, and sharing what it’s really like to experience those feelings (and choose to move through them in the moment) is one of the reasons I created the series.

It’s a part of the story I wish I had understood more deeply as a teenager and young adult when I had all the same dreams and goals but none of the same belief that they could actually happen for me. 

Back in 2016 when I moved from San Francisco to New York to pursue my dance dream, I was so scared it would never happen for me I didn’t dare share it out loud. 

I didn’t want anyone to think I was naive. To call me ridiculous, crazy, arrogant, or anything else that might set me up for criticism or feelings of disappointment I wasn’t prepared to handle. 

This time around, I wanted to believe in myself enough to claim and proclaim it. To know that former co-workers and classmates might stumble upon my YouTube series via social media and not feel embarrassed about that happening. 

My former self often shied away from doing things or desiring things because she was worried about what other people might feel or think. My current self is trying very hard not to do that. 

That doesn’t mean I always nail it. This month especially challenged me in that way. At times it felt easier to say “yes,” even when I knew deep inside the right answer for me was “no.” To remain quiet because my opinion or decision differed from those around me. To wonder if my ever-growing goals and dreams are really possible, instead of relaxing into knowing they will come to life. 

But I am waking up every day, and intentionally re-committing to the life and career I want to create. I am consciously interrupting my thoughts when they start to spiral into anxiety, self-doubt, or unworthiness. I am showing up every day for myself, for my business, and for my dreams, and I’m proud of myself for doing all of that. 

What was the last month like for you? Are you making any fun plans for the summer? I’d love to know. Hit reply and let me know!

And if you’re feeling called to learn a little more about business and branding, I’m having an open Q&A coaching call later this month to provide some sales and marketing support for new (and aspiring!) solopreneurs and small business owners. I’ll do a short training (~15 minutes) and then open it up so each person can get some focused personal support. You can learn more and sign up here.

with love, 

A few other things…

 🎧 A great podcast about how to pivot careers and live life fearlessly. 

📖 Emmanuel Acho’s “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man” series has sparked some powerful and important conversations over the last few months. Yesterday he released a new book to help children learn and talk about racism and racist behavior.

🧘‍♀️ My friend leads these beautiful 21-day journaling & meditation programs that start at the beginning of each month. 

🎶 This song is such a good anthem for anyone dreaming of something more.

💐 Mother’s Day gift ideas

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